- Advantages of Solo Training
- Kicks: Front Kick, Side Kick, Roundhouse Kick
- Yawara #1-5
- Yawara #6-10
- Yawara 11-15
- Yawara 16-20
- Advanced Yawara 1-5
- Advanced Yawara #6-9
- Advanced Yawara 10-20
- Jujutsu- Hip and Shoulder Throws: Ogoshi, Dakikubi Goshi, Seoi Goshi, Sode Tsurikomi Goshi, Seoi Nage
- Nage no Kata #7, 16-18
- Nage no Kata #19-21
- Shime no Kata 1-10
- Shime no Kata 11-19
- Shime no Kata 20-25
- Shinin no Maki # 1-3 Isami Tasuki Nage, Obi Hane Goshi, Tsurikomi Taoshi
- Shinin no Maki- #4 Momiji Nage and #5 Gyaku Hayanada
- Shinin no Maki #6 and 7- Hiza Nage and Osaekomi Gyakute Tori
- Shinin no Maki #8 and 9- Kobushi Shime and Kesa Hazushi
- Shinyo no Maki #21, 23, 27: Tsuki Mi, Zozu Kurawase, Yuki Chigai
- Shinyo no Maki #22: Atemi Ichi Go
- Shinyo no Maki # 24 and 25 Tora Nirami, Kiai Dori
- Shinyo no Maki #28 Munen Musow
- Jujutsu- advanced defenses: Parry, Parry, Check; Redirect Up and Down; Kick Defenses
- Basic Weapon Disarms: Club, Knife and Gun
Jujutsu Classes:
- Jujitsu 10/9: Knife to Knife- Parry Cut and Double Cut, Larga
- Jujutsu 9/25: Shinin No Maki- Ebi Shime, Tataki Komi, Ushiro Nage Tori
- Jujutsu 9/18: Knife to Knife- Block and Cut/Double Cut
- Jujutsu 8/17: White and Blue belt Vocabulary and Concepts
- Jujutsu 7/31 + Adv. Jujutsu 8/3: Oku no Kata, Mae Yama Kage, Kote Shigarami
- Jujutsu 7/24 and 7/27: Oku no Kata- Komi iri, Sakanuki, Shigarami, Kinu Katsugi
- Jujutsu 7/20: Wrist escapes from the rear
- Jujutsu 7/13: Okazaki Knife defenses
- Jujutsu 6/29: Gun Take-Away Jujutsu: Yawara 1-5, 3rd principle
- Jujutsu 6/15: Yawara 11-15
- Jujutsu 6/8: Advanced Atemi List
- Jujutsu 6/1: Goshin Waza- second half, from overhead, upcut and backfist attacks
- Jujutsu 5/25: Jab and Hook from front leg; Goshin Waza – Straight punch and Roundhouse attacks
- Jujutsu 5/18: Nage (Throws)- Soto Momo Harai, Uchi Momo Harai, Osoto Gari, Any forward facing Hip or shoulder throw, Deashi Harai and Sasae Ashi; Yawara- 6-10
- Jujutsu 5/11: Connecting strikes to one another, Review of some material Prof. Freeman taught
- Jujutsu 5/4: Advanced Atemi 1-4
- Jujutsu 4/27: Claw take-down from single hand blocks, Cover against strikes, Basic Atemi (pressure points)
- Jujutsu 4/20: Strikes- Upper cut, Jab/Upper Cut, Jab/Upper cut/elbow, Backfist, Backfist/Cross, Jab/Cross/Jab Jab/Cross/Hook; Blocks- One handed Blocks plus strikes; Two Handed Blocks with Triangular footwork
- Jujutsu 4/13: Uchikomi (Foot Sweeping Throws solo and using a stick) Osoto Gari, Soto Momo Harai and Uchi Momo Harai are the same movement, Deashi Harai and Okuri Harai are opposites, Sasae Ashi, Soto Gama and Uchi Gama in relation to the above
- Jujutsu 4/6: Basic Strikes- Footwork, Jab, Cross, Jab/Cross, Hook, Jab Hook with Elbows, Knees and Kicks Yawara- 1-5, Basic escapes, 2 versions
Advanced Jujutsu
- Advanced Jujutsu 8/25 and Jujutsu 8/21: Oku no Kata- Kote Gaeshi, Gyakute Nage
- Advanced Jujutsu 6/29: Entries from Cover- Uproot and Claw
- Advanced Jujutsu 6/22: Entries from Cover- Parry, parry check; Parry hit; Enter center
- Advanced Jujutsu 6/8: Pi Quan- Splitting Fist
- Advanced Jujutsu 6/1: Pi Quan Stationary Weapon Disarms- second set
- Advanced Jujutsu 5/25: Beng Chuan stationary and moving; Weapon disarms- first set
- Advanced Jujutsu 5/18: Beng Quan- Smashing Fist- from Hebei Xingyi; Entries from Cover 1 and 2
- Advanced Jujutsu 5/11: Iron Palm, Issuing Short Percussive Power, Entries from cover (first 2)